Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Here Goes Nothing... and Everything

I can hear what you're thinking: "Is this going to be worth my time?" In a world where billions of blogs exist, you have come to this blog- My blog! And I welcome you with open arms, whoever you are! As a matter of fact, I have dedicated this blog to you because- guess what? You're my reader! A single reader is very powerful, you know. A single reader is extremely important, says I. Why? Well without you, I would not be here and as a matter of fact, neither would you! Fancy that. Now- let's get acquainted, shall we? My name is Erica and I am crazy... Crazy about YOU! *Maniacal laugh! Maniacal laugh!* You must also ask yourself the same question- are YOU crazy? And not to worry- I won't tell a soul. *shifty eyes* Disclaimer: You may need to be a little on the crazy side to read my blog. *more shifty eyes* Moving along... I'd like to make a few predictions about you- because I'm crazy- you see? In doing so, I will prove to you that you will most certainly return to my blog for many reasons and for many moons... perhaps even forever! I like the sound of forever. I know what you're thinking at this point: "You ARE crazy! How could you possibly know anything about ME and what I like, you crazy person??" Allow me to share a couple of things I know about you right now: I know that you can see. I also know that you can read. And now YOU know that I am legit because I just made TWO very real predictions about you! I see you are impressed. Do you want to hear more predictions because I impressed you? Good, because I'm about to make some! #1: You love lots of things. Like photos! You love to take them and/or you love to look at them. You love to laugh at them, cry at them, dissect them and enjoy the bleep out of them. And, you want to know something? ME, TOO! We're on the same page already, how fun! #2: You love to be anything but stagnant. For instance, you like to see new and/or exotic places around the world. Wanna know something else? ME, TOO! In fact, I am moving to a magical Hawaiian island called Oahu in less than 6 months from now! -What's that? You want to come with me? You do?! That's super swell, because I can't WAIT to take you. #3: You love to feel happy. And by that I mean laugh! HA-HA! I believe laughter is the best medicine. I have lots to share, too. Now I know that we are going to hit it off just great! Making a few predictions about a perfect stranger is not all that difficult, you see? And if I am right with all 3 or even just 1, then I hope to see you return here again and again, (forever works, too), because I promise to meet this criteria for you. In a crazy-fun and beautiful new way. I want to invite you into the places I will call home, (I love to design and decorate interiors), I want to grab your hand and lead you through the labyrinth that is my mind, (fill in more disclaimers here), and I certainly plan to share the bits and pieces that make up my life with every last single reader- that's you! I believe that in doing so, I will understand who I am more deeply and more honestly than I ever have before, and for me, that is absolutely priceless. I want to flip open my cover and reveal a world of pages to you, pages you have never before seen nor read about, explored nor heard of. You are the single reader that exists who has ultimately pushed me to write, to share, to explore, to understand who I am and what motivates me from day to day. I plan to share it and share it all! Open book style. Now imagine that I just threw a trillion dollar bills up into the sky and they're about to fall down on you, all over you. Subsequently, by reading my blog, you will become rich- Rich with JOY! *Maniacal laugh!* A single reader is all it takes to light that fire underneath me, to keep it burning, and you are it! Welcome, dear reader. Are you ready for this?

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